How to


この機能は、すべてのブランド登録販売者、Amazon Vendor Centralおよび管理販売プログラムの販売者(Amazon Exclusivesなど)が利用できます。出品ページの中間にある従来のA+コンテンツの説明のすぐ上に表示され、ブランドのすべてのASINに適用できます。そのため、ASINごとに新しいものを作成する必要はありません。








This feature can be used by all brand registered sellers, Amazon Vendor Central and Management and Sales Programs (Amazon Exclusives, etc.). It is displayed just above the conventional A+content description in the middle of the exhibition page, and can be applied to all the brand ASIN. Therefore, there is no need to create a new one for each ASIN.


You can select a custom layout of the four different modules, display the brand story, and make the difference from competitors.


Because it is easier than creating a normal A+content, you can create it yourself without time or budget.


If you don’t use Amazon’s “Brand Story” function, you’ll miss a chance to improve a simple conversion rate!In particular, you can make a difference while most brands have not yet used it.



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