2015年からこのプロジェクトは始まったそうですが、今では有名な観光地になっています。2015年、バランコでは、「Las Paredes Hablan(壁が語る)」という壁画コンテストを開催しました。各受賞アーティストには、2年間保存されるの壁の1つが与えられました。第1位には5,000ソル(約20万円)の賞金も懸けられました。約100のスケッチが提出されました。主要な賞は、マジカルリアリズムや他の具象表現に影響を受けた芸術家であるJonatan Rivera(通称「Jade」)によって受賞されました。彼の作品は、バハダ・デ・バーニョスの歩道やメトロスーパーマーケットの近くにあるグラウ大通りで見ることができます。
Barranco street art in Lima, Peru has become like a modern art museum
I went to Peru for a two week vacation. Barranco, a district in Lima, is like Tokyo’s Harajuku, and is filled with street art created by local youth.
Apparently this project started in 2015, and it has now become a famous tourist destination. In 2015, Barranco held a mural contest called “Las Paredes Hablan” (The Walls Speak). Each winning artist was given one of the walls to be preserved for two years. There was also a prize of 5,000 sol (approximately 200,000 yen) for first place. Approximately 100 sketches were submitted. The major award was won by Jonatan Rivera (nicknamed “Jade”), an artist influenced by magical realism and other figurative forms. His works can be seen on the sidewalks of Bajada de Banos and on Grau Boulevard near Metro Supermarket.
The same street art doesn’t remain the same forever; it’s constantly being updated, so it’s likely that you’ll be able to see new street art every time you visit. In addition, Penduro, a Peruvian artist management platform, and a mobile gallery held a one-day event called “Cinergia Urbana.” The event brought together notable artists such as Elliot Tupac to paint murals on the walkways of Bajada de Baños. Since then, Pasaje Oroya has become a must-see spot in Barranco.
Another initiative to “muralize” the district was “Muralisa to Barrio.” This is a festival organized by Red de Artistas Barranquinos, a Barranco artist network, aimed at strengthening a sense of community and identity, and protecting private and public property from vandalism.
Although street art is sometimes criticized by some local authorities, it is clear that Barranco is fast becoming Peru’s largest public art gallery.
There are other facilities in town that you can enjoy all day long, such as art galleries, cute cafes, and stylish restaurants. There are also locals wearing swimsuits, and it’s a good place to have immediate access to the beach.
