ウサギが導く、私たちの新たな旅立ち。 新しいロゴと名刺をデザインして、印刷まで完成しました!
普段愛用しているAffinity PublisherでPDFデータを作成し、そのままラクスルさんで入稿することができました。
Rabbit leads us on our new journey. We have designed a new logo and business cards and have even completed printing!
【Completed to printing! I made business cards for an event I’m attending!】
Normally, I mainly design product images for the web and Amazon, so I don’t often get a chance to print them out, but this time, since I hadn’t been back to Japan for a while, I thought it would be useful to have business cards when attending business networking events, etc., so I took the plunge and created and printed them!
I created the PDF data in Affinity Publisher, which I usually use, and was able to submit it directly to Raksul.
Thank you, Raksul!
【The idea behind the logo】
First, let me explain about the logo.
Since I was born in the “Year of the Rabbit,” I chose the rabbit as the main motif because it symbolizes creativity, fertility, and speed.
The rabbit has also been a symbol of “wisdom” and “good fortune” since ancient times, and I felt it was a perfect fit for the logo design.
In addition, the KATAKAMUNA script is placed above the rabbit.
This character is said to be the origin of the Japanese language, and I found it deeply fascinating.
It also suggests a connection to an ancient civilization called the Katakamuna civilization, and I felt a sense of mystery that seems to be connected to our own roots.
In this way, we put various thoughts into the logo.
We put our hearts and souls into the design, aiming to create a design that is both familiar to everyone and memorable.
【New Name, New Business Card】
I am getting married to my partner this year in 2024 and will be taking his surname.
As I have spent my life with him, I have come to strongly desire to take his surname as well. However, while reading blogs by international couples, I learned that there can be prejudice against taking a foreign surname, making it difficult to rent a house. I also learned that having different surnames can make it difficult for people to understand that you are a married couple, and that there can be complicated procedures involved. I was definitely concerned about both of these issues.
That’s when I learned about the “combined surname” system, which allows couples who marry foreigners to keep their Japanese surname while also taking their partner’s surname. I felt that this was the perfect choice for us.
It seems that the procedure is quite complicated, as it involves applying to the court and possibly even having an interview, but I am determined to go through it step by step.
This new surname, “Crane”, is a symbol of the partnership that we will build together from now on, and I am very happy to have been able to create a new business card to commemorate this occasion.
【Brand logos and business cards: Powerful tools for business!】
In order to not only sell products but also have customers recognize your brand and build trust, it is important to do thorough branding.
In addition to selling on Amazon, it is effective to have attractive business cards to promote your products and services in various places.
Therefore, we, as your business partner, will help you design and create brand logos and business cards.
We will propose designs that embody your thoughts and lead your business to success.
Please feel free to contact us.
