How to




1. メイン画像は商品の特徴を端的に伝える




  • 商品の全体像を明確に伝える
  • 商品の特徴や魅力が伝わるアングルや構図にする(影をつけると立体感が出る)
  • 背景を白色にする(真っ白です!)
  • 画像のサイズは縦または横の長辺が1600ピクセル以上にする(おすすめは2000px)


2. サブ画像は商品の詳細を補足する



  • メイン画像では写っていない商品の側面や細部を伝える
  • 商品の使用方法や使い方を解説する
  • 商品のサイズや素材などを明確にする


3. 画像のファイル名やALT属性にSEO対策を行う



  • ファイル名は、商品名や商品の特徴など、画像の内容が分かりやすいものにする
  • ALT属性は、画像の内容を簡潔に説明するキーワードを盛り込む
  • また、画像のファイル名やALT属性は、日本語だけでなく英語でも設定しておくと、より多くのユーザーにリーチしやすくなります。


When selling products on Amazon, the product image is an important factor that determines the first impression of the product. In addition, since product images also affect SEO, it is important to take measures firmly.In this article, we will explain how to take SEO measures in the main image and sub image of the product image in Amazon in three main points.


1. The main image simply conveys the characteristics of the productThe main image plays an important role in appealing the charm of the product on the product search results page. Therefore, it is important to create an image that can simply convey the characteristics of the product.Specifically, let’s create an image with care in the following points.Clarify the whole picture of the productMake an angle or composition that conveys the characteristics and charm of the product (a three -dimensional effect comes out when you add a shadow)Make the background white (pure white!)The size of the image is 1600 or more on the long side of the vertical or side (recommended 2000px)


2. Sub image supplements the details of the productThe sub image plays a role in supplementing the details of the product that could not be conveyed in the main image. Therefore, let’s include the information that users want to know, such as how to use the product, size, and materials.Specifically, let’s create an image with care in the following points.Communicate the aspects and details of the product that is not shown in the main imageExplain how to use and use the productClarify the size and materials of the product


3. Take SEO measures to the file name and Alt attribute of the imageThe best thing to do is the file name and Alt attribute of the image are important elements for searching engines to recognize the contents of the image. Therefore, let’s set with SEO measures in mind.Specifically, let’s set the following points.The file name is easy to understand the contents of the image, such as the product name and the characteristics of the product.ALT attributes briefly explain the contents of the image.Incorporate keywordsIn addition, if the file name and Alt attribute of the image are set not only in Japanese but also in English, it will be easier to reach for more users.



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